«variations on a theme» Series of Art
Maturana and Varela hypothesized that all living systems are autopoietic in nature, and all autopoietic systems are cognitive systems. In noncognitive sense, all living nature is cognitive. Cognition is not the prerogative of man: therefore, its criteria are universal.
The continuum of cognizing subjects and objects creates a continuum of relations and is in joint drift.
My work is the selection and weaving out of the common felt of networks -relationships with material, transparent multilayered paint. Giving them fluid momentum, observation and participation by the white antiform. In such a dialog and such a game (practically a “language game”) new connections are created, complicating and densifying the world.
In this series of papers, I experimented with different joint drifts from a single point. The same reference was used as a basis, which was reprocessed by the game, and different results were obtained.
Our world is always already a universe of dense and clever networks, they are already here, they have always been here. And if our work is aimed at the emergence of other living things, then it is the work of carefully removing, weaving out sections of these networks into separate creatures.» (Ilya Dolgov «Sciaponics»)
«Ecological science and wisdom (as well as the science and practice of machine worlds) have taught us firmly over the last century that the new, the complex, the active is always a network, relationships, interrelationships, and interdependencies: the great web of life. Individual pieces, threads, things only find meaning and animation within this web. And if our work is directed toward the emergence of the new living then it is the work of weaving and binding. Lucy Sachman puts it another way: our world is not individual elements waiting to interact, waiting to be incorporated into a thick and intelligent web.